= Money
Your opinion matters
a lot to us!
We are happy to announce the promotion "Review = Money"!
For each review you leave about our platform on the specified resources, we will give you 2 USDT.
To participate in the promotion, please
follow these steps:
1. Complete an exchange
On our platform
2. Save a screenshot
Of the exchange with the order number
3. Leave a review
Of the exchange with the order number
Attach a screenshot to the review
Of the exchange with the order number and details. If the screenshot is not attached to the review, it will not be counted, and you will not receive a reward. Additionally, your account may be flagged as fraudulent!
List of resources for reviews:
The list may change, please check for updates
Don't miss the chance to share your experience and get rewarded!
After verifying your email within a day, we will send you 2 USDT for each confirmed review.